glow called atmospheric light took place, but the cause of the light (static electricity) was not understood at the time.
Although a causal barometric light was not yet understood, has been studied. Later, when the principles of electricity was discovered, scientists were able to move forward towards the invention of many forms of lighting.
Discharge lamps
In 1855, Geissler tube was invented, named after Heinrich Geissler, a German physicist and glassblower. Meaning Geissler tube was that when the generators were invented, many inventors began to experiment with Geissler tubes, electric, and various gases. When a Geissler tube was set at low pressure and the electric voltage was applied, the gas would glow.
In 1900, after several years of experimentation, several types of electric discharge lamps or vapor lamps invented in Europe and the United States. Simply defined electric discharge lamp is a lamp comprising a transparent container in which a gas is the energy at an applied voltage, and thus made to shine.
Georges Claude - Inventor of the first neon light

The word neon comes from the greek "Neos", which means "new gas". Neon gas was discovered by William Ramsey and MW Travers in 1898 in London. Neon is a rare element in gaseous atmosphere in the extent of 1 part of air at 65 000. It is obtained by liquefaction of air and separated from other gases by fractional distillation.
The French engineer, chemist and inventor Georges Claude (born September 24, 1870, d. May 23, 1960), was the first to apply the electric discharge in a gas closed neon tube (about 1902) to create a light bulb. Georges Claude displayed the first neon lamp to the public December 11, 1910 in Paris.
Georges Claude patented the neon lighting tube 19 January 1915 - U.S. Patent 1,125,476.
In 1923, Georges Claude and introduced French company Claude Neon, neon signs in the U.S. by selling two to one Packard car dealership in Los Angeles. Earle C. Anthony purchased the two signs reading "Packard" for $ 24,000.
Neon lighting quickly became a popular device in outdoor advertising. Visible even in daylight, people would stop and look at the first neon signs dubbed "liquid fire."
How the Neon Sign made?
Although a causal barometric light was not yet understood, has been studied. Later, when the principles of electricity was discovered, scientists were able to move forward towards the invention of many forms of lighting.
Discharge lamps

In 1900, after several years of experimentation, several types of electric discharge lamps or vapor lamps invented in Europe and the United States. Simply defined electric discharge lamp is a lamp comprising a transparent container in which a gas is the energy at an applied voltage, and thus made to shine.
Georges Claude - Inventor of the first neon light

The word neon comes from the greek "Neos", which means "new gas". Neon gas was discovered by William Ramsey and MW Travers in 1898 in London. Neon is a rare element in gaseous atmosphere in the extent of 1 part of air at 65 000. It is obtained by liquefaction of air and separated from other gases by fractional distillation.
The French engineer, chemist and inventor Georges Claude (born September 24, 1870, d. May 23, 1960), was the first to apply the electric discharge in a gas closed neon tube (about 1902) to create a light bulb. Georges Claude displayed the first neon lamp to the public December 11, 1910 in Paris.
Georges Claude patented the neon lighting tube 19 January 1915 - U.S. Patent 1,125,476.
In 1923, Georges Claude and introduced French company Claude Neon, neon signs in the U.S. by selling two to one Packard car dealership in Los Angeles. Earle C. Anthony purchased the two signs reading "Packard" for $ 24,000.
Neon lighting quickly became a popular device in outdoor advertising. Visible even in daylight, people would stop and look at the first neon signs dubbed "liquid fire."
How the Neon Sign made?
Hollow glass tubes used to make neon lamps come in 4 foot, 5 and 8 lengths. Formulate the tubes, the glass is heated and lit the gas-air. Many of the compositions of glass are used depending on the country and the supplier. What is called Glass 'soft' has compositions including lead glass, soda-lime glass, glass, and barium. Glass "hard" borosilicate, the family has also been used. Depending on the composition of the glass, glass work is the range from 1600 "F for more than 2200'F. The air temperature in the gas-flame, depending on the fuel and the ratio is approximately 3000'F using propane.
The tubes are scored (partial cut) while cold with a file and broken into pieces while still hot. Then the artisan creates the angle and curve combinations. When the tube is completed, the tube most be processed. This process varies by country, the procedure is called "bombing" of the United States. The tube is partial vacuum. Then there is a short circuit with a high voltage current until the tube at a temperature of 550 F. Then the tube is empty again until it reaches a vacuum of 10-3 Torr. Argon or neon is refilled at a given pressure depending on the diameter of the tube and sealed. In the case of a tube of argon, additional measures are taken for the injection of mercury in general, 10-40ul depending on tube length and the weather is going to operate in.

Red is the color neon gas produces, neon gas glows with its characteristic red light even at atmospheric pressure. Currently, more than 150 possible colors in almost any color other than red is produced argon, mercury and phosphorus. Neon tubes actually refer to all the positive column discharge lamps, regardless of the gas filling. The color blue has been the discovery order (Mercury), white (CO2), gold (Helium), red (Neon), and then a variety of colors phosphor-coated tubes. Mercury spectrum is rich in ultraviolet light, which in turn excites the phosphor coating the inside of the tube of light. Phosphors are available in most any pastel colors.
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