Take samples of food and places to study a small portion of the agar, which includes food, where bacteria grow. Agar, gelatin-like substance containing bacterial food is actually placed in a Petri dish, shallow circular dish with a lid. A small portion of food research over the surface of the agar. Quantity of food is "covered", depending on the number of bacteria in food is suspect. Foods containing very few bacteria, up to one gram (g) or milliliter (ml) is "covered". Foods rich in bacteria, or one millionth of a gram or per milliliter of food should be covered. The food is mixed with sterile water to reach this small amount of agar in a petri dish. If bacteria are growing rapidly to produce offspring that are 12-48 hours to produce "pile" of bacteria in one place. We can see this mound, and call it a colony.
Individual bacteria are very small. They are usually one or two micrometers in diameter. Since micro means 1 / 000, 000 (1000000), are generally one millionth of a meter in diameter. The meter is 39.37 inches (3.33 cm longer than the yard). How many bacteria are lying side by side, it would take to reach a meter? Because they are a micro 1-1 meters wide, it would take about a million lying side by side to reach a meter, or 500 000 if you are 2 micrometers in width.
Bacteria is the same as a virus? Bacteria are small unicellular organisms. There are many different types who live around us ... on the computer keyboard on the table, in your face and your body! Most of them are harmless. Some, however, can cause illness in our bodies. If you get sick from the bacteria, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics, a drug made from mushrooms, a natural enemy of bacteria, killing the bacterial infection.
Viruses are much smaller and is unlike any other living being on earth. In fact, scientists disagree about whether viruses are "alive" at all. When a small virus comes into contact with the cell type, he likes to attack the virus to the cell poles and spray it with instructions. This guidance supersedes the instructions in the natural nucleus. The cell becomes confused and begins to follow the new (wrong) instructions, and uses its energy to produce more viruses instead of what he was doing before. When the cell is full of new viruses, it explodes and viruses float in search of more cells. Our immune system produces white blood cells that kill viruses, but sometimes it takes time. When your white blood cells find a way to kill viruses, they never forget. If this type of virus never attack your new body, white blood cells killed instantly.
Bacteria are very small. They do things big. If bacteria three micrometers in length was enlarged to the size of a person six feet high, and if the person has been expanded in the same way, the person would be about 700 miles high. Yes, bacteria are small. The bacteria often live in tunnels left as hyphae of soil fungi die. Amoebae are unable to attack the bacteria in tunnels minute in diameter (Shigo, 1999).
It is assumed that each colony originates from a bacterial cell is 12-36 hours. If this assumption is true - sometimes it is not probable, it is possible to calculate the original number of bacteria in the food placed on agar in a petri dish, and knows exactly how much food was put on the plate initially.
While some bacteria are balls, while others are in the form of small hot dogs (hot dogs or sausage). Some of the bacteria with hanging chains as a chain of sausages. Often, these chains contain only a few cells, but a sort of chain of hundreds of cells. Hotdog-shaped bacteria are usually 2 or 3 times longer than wide, but some are much longer than the width. Some individual cells are long-shaped needle.
Many bacteria are increasing in all forms in the cell wall that divides the original cell into two daughter cells that have the same shape and genetic composition. As the cells grow, the time division (fission) is performed for each daughters may be as large as the mother cell had before it began fission (splitting).
Bacteria are very small (microscopic) single-celled prokaryotes, mostly without chlorophyll. (All other eukaryotic organisms - to take the DNA surrounding the nuclear membrane.
Except for some very interesting and other photosynthetic bacteria are chemosynthetic, bacteria are bad synthesizers. Most are saprophytes heterotropic (feeds on dead organic matter) and are important decomposers in the soil and water, but of course some decomposers of food and fiber plant pests and some species of animals causing serious and plant diseases.
To familiarize yourself with the three types of bacteria, first look at the color of the blade "type of bacteria." The cocci (singular: coccus) are spherical, the bacilli (singular: bacterium) are rod-shaped, the spirillum (spirillum) are spiral. Sometimes the cells are simple, sometimes they are together in chains or groups. For example, streptococci in chains of streptococci in pairs: diplococci, in irregular groups: staphylococci, diced ordinary
Bacteria are tiny organisms made from a single cell. They are present everywhere: air, soil, and skin, for example. Many of them are microbes that cause diseases (rhinitis, listeriosis, and others), but others are very useful for humans. For example, bacteria in the gut to aid digestion and often used by bacteria to food products (yogurt, sauerkraut, etc.).
Bacteria are tiny single-celled living things. Their cell walls are different from other living beings - they are made of another material, and the nuclei and organelles are not enclosed in membranes. Bacteria are very successfully adapted to a wide variety of habitats. While most people need oxygen for respiration, others use sulfate and nitrate instead of oxygen.
Bacteria are very small micro-organisms that can not be seen with the naked eye. So we can not see them swimming in the water. Another problem is that the millions of bacteria are often summarized in a small point.
You can see the bacteria when they grow up disk nutrients so that each colony of bacteria in the thousands of bacteria. Then we can see the bacteria colony.
Bacteria are very small - can not be seen with the naked eye - up to 3 million until the end of a pin. Some bacteria are essential for life and are naturally in the human gut and aid digestion. The bacteria that are harmful to humans are called pathogens, and it is these that cause food poisoning and other diseases. Many of these bacteria are destroyed during cooking, but some of them may produce spores and toxins that can survive very high temperatures, and thus can re-contaminate food as it cools.
As a side note, not all bacteria are very small, ie a few microns, there are some species that are a fraction of a millimeter in diameter. Most of the bacteria found to be 0.75 mm in diameter, was recently in the press, and is therefore only the naked eye. All of the illustrated book, this bacterium is April 16, 1999 edition of "Science" magazine.
Bacteria are very small, but they indicate a surprising complexity of their structures. The bacteria cause disease (pathogens) have several characteristics that make them a better ability to generate disease. An important feature is the ability to connect the victim. Many bacteria are able to purchase in your environment, gliding motion. Bacteria have long, flexible, spiral-shaped structure, scourge, which helps to pass the solution microbe. As the microbe grows, is synthesized by most of the self.
Bacteria are tiny creatures, which can be seen under a microscope.
Bacteria are very small (<1 to 5 microns) and can not be properly seen by electron microscopy. Fungi and protozoa are much larger (12 to 200 microns or more) and can be seen with increased light microsope x 400.
Bacteria multiply by splitting into two halves, a process called fission. In the most favorable conditions of a bacterial cell divides into two cells of approximately 20 to 30 minutes. Twenty minutes later, these two cells are elongated and divided into four cells. Then after 20 minutes, each of the four cells divide into eight cells and so on. This is called logarithmic ("log growth" as the bacteriologist call it). For example, "cell to cell 32 '1 'two-cell 4-cell" 8-cell "of 64 cells 16 cells' 128 cells 512 cells 256 cells 1024 cells, etc. In the above example of a bacterial cell, multiplying each 20 minutes increase this number in less than 3 hours to about 1020 cells. Within 36 hours of continuous operation, unlimited growth, there would be enough bacteria to fill 200 trucks of five tons! Of course, bacteria do not multiply indefinitely, if not control the growth of bacteria? One factor is temperature.
Nanobacteria have unique properties. First, nanobacteria can be grown in cell culture media of mammalian cells. But this organization is not necessary that all mammalian cells. It grows in the same or similar conditions to those used by mammalian cells. The doubling time is strikingly similar to human fibroblasts - three days. Bacteria are very small, coconuts, and the size of the average population is about 0.2 to 0.3 micrometers in diameter. Because they are so small that we can not use optical microscopy to observe. However, they have a sole proprietorship. Biogenic apatite is broduce in the form of a thick shell, and therefore become very difficult to see. Apatite is a high-density material can be easily seen. They seem to have very thick cell wall and yet you can apply a filter in relatively high yields through 0.2 micron filters and some of them pass through 0.1 micron filter. Heat resistance is outstanding. Bearing 90 ° C for 1 hour.
So this is the first body or stick resistant thermophilic organism isolated from humans. We can not really say that it is thermophilic in the traditional sense, but at least is compatible with the thermal treatment time. It can reach 45 º C to excellent. Since the use of culture media containig a serum, it is not possible to go to higher temperatures, because we're going to cook than the average. In addition, the organism is highly resistant to gamma radiation. This is a unique phenomenon. It is also resistant to antibiotics, as aminoclycosides, despite high doses are certainly effective against them. They are extremely resistant to disinfection and lysis.
Bacteria are tiny single-celled microorganisms that reproduce by cell division.
Bacteria are small unicellular organisms found everywhere Iin the environment and generally live in harmony with the body. Specific types of bacterial infections have their own name, Stangl such, but most infections are not specific and occur after an accident or a weakened immune system.
Bacteria are important organisms of the disease and our ecosystem.Bacteria are very small, about 0.1 to 20 micrometers. There are two distinct groups f bacteria Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. They differ in their cell walll composition and that the cause disease.The Gram-negative bacteria secrete toxins normallly, toxic substances that destroy the cells. Bacteria can also be grouped according to their shape: straight bars, round or curved spirochetes coconuts or comma-shaped vibrios. Most bacteria possess a cell wall, but unlike other cells, their genetic material is enclosed by a nucleus. The bacteria may be useful for nitrogen fixation and the breakdown of dead plants and animals in the ecosystem. Some bacteria can survive in adverse environments, bacteria have a tail spores.Some are known as the beating of flagella around the bacteria move forward.
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