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Showing posts with label Animal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Animal. Show all posts

Sunday, February 24, 2013

This Dog Face Similar Considered Human Face

KENTUCKY - A mixed breed poodle and Shih Tzu in Kentucky are considered to have a face that resembles a human being. The dog recently rescued in Kentucky, United States (U.S.) and is looking for a new employer.

Dog named Tonic has now been completed with NGOs rescued from Homeward Bound Animal Welfare Group, in Indiana. Tonic is often described as "a sweet boy, who was looking for new things."

The dog had a face like a rose called humans. Eye tonic was quite huge, her mouth slightly wider line. The feathers on the top of the mouth Tonic also resembles a mustache.

NGOs said that the tonic is a great dog and harmless. However Tonic should not be around small boy. Similarly, as reported by the Daily Mail, Thursday (07/02/2013).

So far, Tonic requires the new employer to take care of a very patient person. The dog will also be given a health certificate. According to reports, the two-year-old dog was nearly killed and now, U.S. citizens are required to pay a fund of USD250

Dog look like a Lion Found by a Pedestrian

NORFOLK - The apparition of a Labrador mixed breed dog and Poodel surprise pedestrians. Fur and dog hair it was pretty weird that resembles a lion or bobcat.

Residents in Norfolk, Virginia, United States (U.S.) is quite frantic with small lion sightings on the streets. They immediately called 911 and complained about the incident. Similarly, as reported by the Daily Mail, Thursday (01/10/2013).

Police were checking out the lions Wildlife Areas Virgina, they worry one of the lions in the park off and roam the city. When the handler is called to a small lion approached it, the handler was aware that the animal is a dog.

According to the report, the dog was called Charles the Monarch. The dog turned out to be the pet of a local businessman, Daniel Painter. Painter itself is a loyal supporter of Old Dominion University with a lion mascot.

Even the dog was tangible lions have an account on social networks Facebook and Twitter. Lots of funny pictures Charles displayed on social networking. Some photographs show the current form of Charles, his fur is short.

Charles often came to football games and take pictures with the athletes. Currently, there is a petition to urge Charles used as a mascot for the school, but the petition was not acted upon

Kafe Unik untuk Kucing Tersedia di London

LONDON - A unique cafe for cats has opened in London, England. The opening of the cafe was accomplished because of the contributions of the people of 100,000 pounds sterling, or approximately R1, 4 billion (Rp14.690 per pound).

Lauren Pears want to make a cat-themed cafe in Old Street area of London in May this year. To open this cafe comes from public donations are routed through the Internet.

Funds collected through the site Indiegogo has accumulated sum of 100,000 pounds sterling, or approximately Rp1 billion.

30-year-old woman said that she had found 10 to 15 cats were brought from the animal house in Kansal Mayhew Green, London, England. The cats will be used as the staff at the cafe.

Pears, inspired by a cat-themed cafe in Japan, he also saw a good market for this business.

This cafe will provide a place for cat lovers to be able to relax with their pet cat while drinking coffee. Besides their cats also free kerkeliaran inside the cafe.

"We try to find a solution so that the cat is not too stressful," said Pears. So bleak quoted from Metro, Monday (02/25/2013).

"That way, people can linger enjoying the atmosphere in the cafe without having to think about their cats, because cats they're fun to play," he said.

Pears also added that later this cafe will have a volunteer program in which customers can not pay the entry fee can relax overnight in the cafe.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Otter Doing Slam Dunk Because of a Rheumatic

OREGON - A beaver named Eddie did an amazing act to play basketball. The animal did slam dunk at the zoo Oregon, United States (U.S.).

Not without reason Eddie's slam dunk action. This unique action done to help cure rheumatism.

Eddie, was sentenced to suffer the disease is a type of arthritis in the joints, such as rheumatoid arthritis after he was checked using X-ray by a vet from the zoo Oregon.

In an effort to improve the functioning of joints, these cute mammals perform a number of activities to train the muscles of the joint, such as playing basketball. Besides being able to help the healing, Eddie action can also attract the attention of the visitors.

Leadership Oregon Zoo, Jenny DeGroot said that Eddie suffered arthritic pain because sea otters do not swim using front legs but use their hind legs and fins.

"Eddie had arthritis in his elbow as sea otters do not use their front legs to swim, but swim by moving their hind legs and fins," he said, as quoted by the Daily Record, Sunday (24/02/2013).