Feature Post

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Aristotle (History for Kids)

Aristotle's father Nicomachus was a doctor who lived near Macedonia in northern Greece. Thus, contrary to Socrates and Plato, Aristotle was not the cause of Athens. It was not a rich family like Plato, though his father was not bad either.

When Aristotle was a young man, about 350 BC, he went to study at the Academy of Plato. Plato was too old then. Aristotle did very well at the Academy. But he never became one of its leaders, and when the death of Plato, the leaders have chosen someone else instead of Aristotle to lead the Academy. Aristotle was probably pretty annoying.

Soon after, Aristotle left Athens and went to Macedonia to be a mentor to the young Prince Alexander, who grew up in Alexander the Great. As much as we can say, Alexander was not very interested in learning everything from Aristotle, but they become friends.

When Alexander grew up and became king, Aristotle returned to Athens and opened his own school there, Lyceum (lie-SAY-um), in competition with the Academy of Plato. Both schools have been successful for hundreds of years.

Aristotle was more interested in the science of Socrates or Plato, perhaps because his father was a doctor. Socrates wanted to use logical methods to determine how the real world worked, so Aristotle is really the father of modern scientific method of Aristotle was particularly interested in biology to classify plants and animals, so that would make sense This is part of the impulse greek to make order out of chaos: .. Sets the chaotic nature, and places the individual at the end of it.

When Alexander moved through West Asia, who had his messengers bring strange plants back to Aristotle for their studies. Aristotle also made efforts to bring order to the governments of nations. He created a classification system of monarchies, oligarchies, tyrannies, democracies and republics that we still use today.

When Alexander died in 323 BC, however, there was a rebellion against Macedonian rule in Athens. Those accused of Aristotle to be secretly on the side of the Macedonians (and perhaps he was, he certainly was, like Plato, no Democrat). He left the city quickly, and spent the last years of his life back in the north again, where he was born.

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